
Sarina Khan Reddy, a first generation American woman of Islamic Indian descent is an interdisciplinary artist whose work explores the intersection of technology and the economic system reflected in all social formations. Through the lens of her Indian heritage, her early video and installation work examine the new colonization embodied in globalization and how war and militarization are fueled by corporate globalization. She reveals the blurred boundaries between news and entertainment by using appropriated footage from advertising, news and Hollywood movies, juxtaposing these sources to subvert the original meaning to create new and alternative histories.

In her photo work she explores the perpetuation of the colonialist image, the construction of the exotic, in Disney’s theme park – Animal Kingdom. She asks the questions: What is authentic? What is the role of photography in tourism? What happens when you construct a scene (a spot) for a tourist snapshot? Does this perpetuate the construction of the other?

In her deeply personal performance video work she engages in self-examination to express her desires, frustrations and ideological views as an American mother and a South Asian diasporic artist. She is questioning the dominant ideology around domesticity, hysteria and sexuality in the West.

In her latest Project Map my Dharma she is exploring how this project could live on an environmentally friendly, Proof of State (POS) NFT block chain that uses a new decentralized system of exchange that removes the middle man and gives agency to the artist. Trained as an engineer, today she strives towards the strategic use of technology for education and social justice. She has exhibited locally and internationally).